
Perspectives on entrepreneurship, MBA-related issues, networking, personal branding, technology, investing, education and more…


The Dark Side of Passion

This article, a guest post by Dr. Gavin Symanowitz of FeedbackRocket.com, originally appeared in Finweek Magazine (12-July-2012 issue)

We all want to work for passionate leaders – but does it come at a price?

passionate leader.jpg

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Lessons on Competitiveness from Birdfights


This article also appeared in Finweek Magazine in their 19-July-2012 issue

What do birdfights, start-ups and David and Goliath have in common? At first glance, not much. However an example from nature shows the connection and how we can learn from this. Continue reading


Can grooming talent to leave be good for business?

This is a guest post by Dr Gavin Symanowitz of FeedbackRocket.com. It originally appeared in Finweek Magazine (28 June 2012 issue).

ImageA colleague of mine related how he hired his personal assistant. In the job interview, he asked her why he should hire her. She replied simply, “Because I will make it my personal mission, every day, to make you shine”. What more could he ask for from a PA? So he hired her on the spot.

In my work, I come into daily contact with exceptional leaders and managers. I’m increasingly starting to notice a common trait among these managers. They adopt the same attitude as my colleague’s PA – but in reverse. These managers make it their personal mission, every day, to make their subordinates shine. They genuinely put the development of their subordinates above the short-term needs of the business. And, paradoxically, they are reaping the rewards. Continue reading

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Why everyone needs a bad boss


This is a guest post by Dr Gavin Symanowitz of FeedbackRocket.com. It originally appeared in Finweek (21 June 2012 issue).

Everyone should work for a bad boss. I know this seems to be strange advice, especially coming from someone who is dedicated to improving the quality of leadership in organizations. However, working for a bad boss can often have positive effects. Let me explain. Continue reading

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Life according to Kayla

Kayla age 6This is a piece that my 7-year-old daughter Kayla wrote today. It’s her very first blog post (using her own grammar and spelling). It pretty much says it all.

“Be nice to everyone you see that needs help. Let’s say for example your child is lonely and anothor child comes up and sais to your child “Come lets go and play”  and your child feels much more happy. And the same gois to you. You must help other people.”

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Winning at all costs: is it worth it?

This article also appeared in Finweek Magazine in their 6-Dec-2012 issue


In American football, Green Bay Packers coach, Vince Lombardi, famously said, “Winning is the only thing that matters.” But is winning at costs really worth it? And is winning more important than the learning that happens on the journey? Continue reading